Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Overhead squats. Snatch squats.

I think overhead and snatch squats are so hard to be successful at. One thing I can do is:: practice. I read some tips online how to improve. Yep. Practice.

Today at Hydro, we are gonna do this:

Kettlebell swings 35/53

Then immediately do double unders

12 minute cut off.

Hoping I'm able to do double unders without too many problems.

Today's temperature is COLD. It feels like -15 with the wind chill. Ew. Like my neighbor, Jason, was saying the other day - not looking forward to MUD (gas&water) bill. And another thing they put a rate increase in electricity bill. Nice. Oh well.

Later people.

Update: double unders - fail. Did 100 singles instead. Finished in 9:12.

Pic of Dawn and I. I heart her shirt. Hehe.

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