Saturday, January 26, 2013

Last Sunday on the 20th, I got my very first experience competing in the team crossfit games.  Now, that was something NEW to me.  Boy, was I nervous!  If it was a softball tournament, it wouldn't be a huge deal since softball is my thing.  Crossfit isn't.  Dan (one of my teammates) asked if I would be interested .. I looked at some of their requirements such as swim 50M, lift from ground to overhead, kettlebell swings, double unders, some more I can't remember.  I didn't exactly want to join at the beginning because of the swimming part.  Just because I was worried of what I would look like in a swim suit. Ha! Definitely self-conscious, lol.  So I got over it quickly and told Dan, yes, I would gladly participate.  It was a fun experience. I got to ride on Stephanie's back for about 100M, do burpees, box jumps, 35# kettlebell swings (9-15-21 reps), got a personal record of 115# power clean and push press, toes to bar, swim with a 35# KB underwater, squats, etc.  So if you ever feel too comfortable in your life, GET OUT.  I got out and did Crossfit.  I was SO hard on myself than I thought, and doing Crossfit has helped me a lot and be proud of what I've accomplished so far.  At the beginning, I admit, I wanted to be as strong as a lot of people at the box.  I came to a realization that I am a beginner and I will build my strength. I did look at others' weight and was in envy of others that they can lift so much while I couldn't.  I've came a long way (3 months of Crossfit, I think) .. I remember I couldn't clean and jerk 65 pounds.  Now I am able to do 115#.  Awesome.  Super proud.  I did bench press 115#.  Something I have never done in the past.  There are A LOT of things I need to work on, but that's okay.  I love Crossfit no matter what.  Few of my goals: get a RX'd workout, do a pistol, do a headstand push-ups, do better with kipping pull-ups, get a muscle-up (a way later goal, ha).  I had 14 double unders in a row.  That was huge for me.

I have a couple of pictures, but I'm too lazy to upload them to my computer.  They're on my iPad, though.

My team:  Dan, Steph, Ross and myself.  CROSSFIT HYDRO CRAZED!!

So, on February 3rd, it will be Dick's and my last day of Crossfit at Crossfit Hydro.  We will be going to another box which is located Council Bluffs called Crossfit Vise.  The main reason is because they will provide a class at 9:30am which would be perfect since we work really early hours in the morning, usually get off at 7-7:30am .. They also had a super awesome deal.  We also liked the space.  Looking forward to classes .. We are doing on-ramp classes again, but that's ok.  As long as we are learning so much. We were super sad to announce to the Crossfit Hydro community but we had to do what was the best for us.

TMI, I gotta poop.

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