Friday, February 1, 2013

Yep. Mount Zits.

Okay, this post is gonna be different, may gross some people out, but I don't care. It's my blog.

For a quite some time, I've been getting adult acne. I think it's gross and icky. I know there are a lot of worse things out there such as cancer, horrible diseases. Acne has definitely made my self esteem go a little bit lower. I stress over having acne which probably makes my face break out even more. I thought teenagers were supposed to get them and grow out of it. Apparently, adult acne is more common than we all think. So finally I called the dermatologist office and booked an appointment on Tuesday. Jamie, will you be interpreting for me!? Ha!

So in the past, I thought going to tanning salons kind of made my acne go away. I think it worked well but skin cancer vs acne. I pick stupid acne. I even tried ProActiv or whatever it's called. It worked at first, then my acne started appearing again. I cut a lot back on dairy. I drink more water than ever. I used gentle cleanser since other stuff were so harsh on my skin and made it super dry. What? Any home remedies!? Ha.

So, I'm kinda hoping the dermatologist will do something for my face. I'm assuming oral prescription medicines. I don't want a damn cream because it WILL NOT work!

Hopefully, 2013 is the year I say good bye to Mt. Zits. I admit, I sometimes name my zits just to be humorous. Laugh and move on but it's getting o.l.d.


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