Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Random thoughts.

So I'm sitting here waiting for our volleyball game to begin...... Today was so nice outside even with clouds. Yesterday was just perfect with clear skies with sun shining. Ahh. I'm looking forward to spring so we can open our windows and smell the fresh air. Motorcycle rides. Softball. Sand volleyball. Grilling out. Going to the lakes. Crossfit - yea, I had to say that. ;)

I went to the doctor yesterday and he said it is a guarantee that my face will clear up in few weeks. I am looking forward to that!! I thought to myself, why the heck didn't I go see him years ago!? Better late than never. Funny.

Today, Dick and I had our LAST on ramp class and did this WOD of:

12-9-6-3 KB swings
Wall balls
4-3-2-1 Ring dips

I finished in 5:41, I think. As always, I should have pushed myself more. Especially with the ring dips. I went to the bench to do the dips instead of the rings. Just gonna keep practicing and I am closer than I was yesterday. After that class, we had our regular WOD class. We did 5-5-5 of press. I ended up doing 87.5# (5-5-3). If I did all 5-5-5, I would be able to add 5# for the next time, but I didn't make it so I have to stay with 87.5#. I don't think that's too bad because my 1 rep max was 88#. A proud moment for me. Yea! We also learned how to climb a rope. That was fun but jeez, my legs are bruised. Need to purchase some long socks. I have some softball socks but don't know where they are. Will probably make a trip out to Scheels to get some cute ones. Or better yet, order online.

Time for volleyball game. Flying hands, let's go!!

I'm back.

We lost our game, but we only had five. We did pretty good with five players .. The other team was kinda too good but had fun.

This really made me chuckle. Dick loves his iPhone so much that he talked with his mom on FaceTime while he was taking a bath. Good thing it has a life proof case so it wouldn't get wet. That's so cute. He also sent me a video message while he was taking a shower. I love that guy! Lol! :)

Starting August 1, Post Office will stop delivering mail on Saturdays. That doesn't bother me a bit. That means good business for FedEx!? Ha. Just joking. I wonder if it will make a huge impact on the workers? More lay offs? Or cut their hours even more. Hmm.

I'm addicted to Ruzzle. Add that app to your phone or iPad if you haven't yet! :)

I got Essie apricot cuticle oil. I wonder if it works well. I'm gonna apply to my nails after I publish this blog. On the back, it says 'my promise: smoother softer more supple cuticle; helps strengthen and nourish cuticles with moisture; refresh and revitalize instantly.' Hmmm. I love Essie nail polish. I have like four or five colors. I want more. Ha. I don't really do my nails often as I would like to.

I'm off now. Later.

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