Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sugar Detox

21DSD. What the hell does that mean? 21 Day Sugar Detox. 21 days of no sugar. No sugary fruit. No Diet Coke. No dairy. No bread. No wheat bread. (Did you know wheat bread is worse for you than white bread!?) And whatever is on the "avoid" food list.

Go to this link: - this is what I've been following.

Today is my 6th day. Still going pretty good which really surprises me. I think what really have been helping me - the wonderful community of CFV and our private FB page. Also, a lot of willpower.

I've eaten so much avocados, eggs, bacon, chicken, broccoli, green and red peppers, mini mixed peppers, salad, almonds, pistachios ..

Side effects I've experienced so far:

Absolutely no bloating. Not kidding! As Kristina would put: gut ache. None of those. I've never felt so amazing.
Less breakouts on face. Acne is slowly disappearing.
Less cravings for food. Apparently sugar makes you hungrier?

Feeling mucus-y. But I don't feel sick .. Doesn't really bother me.
One pimple. Hahaha, but better than five-10 like in the past.

Be sure to eat a lot of meat. Lean, that is. Veggies.

I don't really have any specific recipes for you. I just look online and make with whatever I have in stock. My favorite is egg, bacon and sausage muffins. Well, I like avocados filled with bacon and balsamic vinegar. And avocado with fried eggs. Heck, I like all recipes I've made so far.

I admit: I miss bananas terribly. Especially in bacon grease. For my crazy sweet tooth, I have dark chocolate (85% or up). It does taste bitter but I really like it.

I need to try and make kale chips.

I also lost 4 pounds on this detox so far but that isn't the point of the detox .. I have a mini flappy skin around my tummy so obviously that makes me happy to see it more toned .. Still a little flappy, but eating a lot of sugar, bread, carbs make me feel so bloated and I get that extra flap, for real. My stomach has its own mind. After all this detox is over, I'm going to continue what I've been making because it is so delish AND makes me feel good and full. I'm going to add bananas, though. A little bit of oatmeal. I don't really miss oatmeal that much as I thought I would have. It helps to love bacon and eggs in the mornings. I think I will try the Zone Diet. If Dick and I go out to restaurants and such, I'm going to toss the bread. Icky.

Zone Diet link:

Some of food pictures.

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