Saturday, February 16, 2013

Ugly signing hands. All about Crossfit. Don't like? Don't read!

Toes to bar. Butterfly pull-ups attempts. Kipping pull-ups. Doing a muscle-up with Ricky's assistance and no, I didn't make it (the dip part), but it was a fun ride. Ha!

Yesterday, we had a WOD of four rounds for time doing this::

21 wall balls (20#/14#)
21 toes to bar

15 minutes cut off.

I a.l.m.o.s.t made it. By almost, I had just ONE freaking toes to bar left to finish it up before time was up. I did two but my toes didn't touch the bar - I was totally out of energy. 167 reps out of 168. Ugh! But I felt so accomplished because I finally understood how to do consecutive toes to bar without stopping. A rhythm, I think, is the word for it. Oh, my hands! Owie!

Today, we went to the group class at 9. Air squat ladder/shuttle run.

One air squat and one shuttle run
Two air squats and one shuttle run
Three air squats and one shuttle run
Continue till you're not able to finish those in a minute

I went up to 28 minutes and 23 squats. If I did the calculations correctly, I did 427 squats less than 30 minutes. I don't think I'll be able to get up tomorrow morning. I have a softball game tonight at 10:20. Uh-oh. Lol. Stretch stretch stretch just like Nancy Moore would! A guy and a lady made it to 35 minutes. Beasts!

After the group class, Dick and I thought we would stay for the open gym to improve our skills. We tried doing the butterfly pull-ups with a couple of other ladies. I don't think I did too bad for the first time. Till the very last one, I felt something sting a little on my hand so I took a look. Yikes. A blister. Ugly, but cool.

I think it's time to wear gloves. I will try my softball batting gloves out. Ha. I don't wanna, but I want my hands to look pretty for signing. :D

I'm still disliking overhead squats. I've learned some of mobility hip stretches or whatever you call it at Crossfit Vise. Boy, have I learned a lot there! Did this some kind of stretch for two minutes on each side and I could feel my hips being more flexible. My hips are so tight .. My knees just need to go way out then I'll be able to go lower. One sucky thing,my right knee doesn't want to cooperate at times. Grr. :P

I don't think I will be registering for the open this year. I still have a long way to go. Some suggest that I do so I'm able to compare my times next year. I am trying to encourage Dick to register. :)

Til then.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Random thoughts.

So I'm sitting here waiting for our volleyball game to begin...... Today was so nice outside even with clouds. Yesterday was just perfect with clear skies with sun shining. Ahh. I'm looking forward to spring so we can open our windows and smell the fresh air. Motorcycle rides. Softball. Sand volleyball. Grilling out. Going to the lakes. Crossfit - yea, I had to say that. ;)

I went to the doctor yesterday and he said it is a guarantee that my face will clear up in few weeks. I am looking forward to that!! I thought to myself, why the heck didn't I go see him years ago!? Better late than never. Funny.

Today, Dick and I had our LAST on ramp class and did this WOD of:

12-9-6-3 KB swings
Wall balls
4-3-2-1 Ring dips

I finished in 5:41, I think. As always, I should have pushed myself more. Especially with the ring dips. I went to the bench to do the dips instead of the rings. Just gonna keep practicing and I am closer than I was yesterday. After that class, we had our regular WOD class. We did 5-5-5 of press. I ended up doing 87.5# (5-5-3). If I did all 5-5-5, I would be able to add 5# for the next time, but I didn't make it so I have to stay with 87.5#. I don't think that's too bad because my 1 rep max was 88#. A proud moment for me. Yea! We also learned how to climb a rope. That was fun but jeez, my legs are bruised. Need to purchase some long socks. I have some softball socks but don't know where they are. Will probably make a trip out to Scheels to get some cute ones. Or better yet, order online.

Time for volleyball game. Flying hands, let's go!!

I'm back.

We lost our game, but we only had five. We did pretty good with five players .. The other team was kinda too good but had fun.

This really made me chuckle. Dick loves his iPhone so much that he talked with his mom on FaceTime while he was taking a bath. Good thing it has a life proof case so it wouldn't get wet. That's so cute. He also sent me a video message while he was taking a shower. I love that guy! Lol! :)

Starting August 1, Post Office will stop delivering mail on Saturdays. That doesn't bother me a bit. That means good business for FedEx!? Ha. Just joking. I wonder if it will make a huge impact on the workers? More lay offs? Or cut their hours even more. Hmm.

I'm addicted to Ruzzle. Add that app to your phone or iPad if you haven't yet! :)

I got Essie apricot cuticle oil. I wonder if it works well. I'm gonna apply to my nails after I publish this blog. On the back, it says 'my promise: smoother softer more supple cuticle; helps strengthen and nourish cuticles with moisture; refresh and revitalize instantly.' Hmmm. I love Essie nail polish. I have like four or five colors. I want more. Ha. I don't really do my nails often as I would like to.

I'm off now. Later.

Monday, February 4, 2013


I don't get why people hate Monday so much. For me, it doesn't bother me. I know it's the first day of the week, but gotta accept it, right? If Monday didn't exist, the other days wouldn't exist either. I love all of the days, but yea, I admit, my favorite is Saturday. Lol.

Yesterday I painted the office walls. It looks much better than what it was before. It looked like a boy's room filled with one red wall and three very light gray walls. I painted it all with this color called pier. It makes me feel like I'm out at the sea during the night. Dick said he would paint the edges or whatever they're called today but he hasn't yet. I bet he will do it next week or two. Lol. Or I'll eventually do it. Men. Ha.

This morning we had our fifth on ramp class, yeah, we had to do those again at Vise even though we went through that at Hydro, but that's ok. After on ramp class was over, we decided to do a WOD.

---- Four rounds, each for max rep burpees ----

Row 300 meters
10 deadlifts 155/105#
Max rep burpees (over bar)

3 minutes per round, 3 minutes rest in between.

Yep, I'm with Dawn. I effing hate burpees. After the WOD was over, my legs were on fire. Owwwwwww! But I felt so amazing!

My results: 13-12-12-11 with a total of 48 burpees. Need to push myself harder. I always tell myself that after almost every WOD. Ha. Be patient and I will succeed.

Hmm. Egg and ham bake or chicken for dinner? I asked Dick and he wants egg bake so we can have some left overs before we go to work tomorrow at 3am.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

WOD and Paleo desserts

This morning, Dick and I went to Crossfit Vise for our very first WOD. It was tough, lol, but I looooooove it. I'll have to admit, I miss Crossfit Hydro. That 'box' we started at will always be a part of our lives so we are thankful to learn all about what crossfit is about. Anyway, life goes on, right? :) We enjoy having Ricky as our coach. Different, but everyone is different which I like.

Our WOD today was:
10 hang squat cleans 185/125#
15 burpees
20 walking lunges 60/45#
30 pullups
60 box jumps 20"
100 double unders
60 box jumps
30 pullups
20 walking lunges
15 burpees
10 hang squat cleans

25 minutes cut off

I didn't finish. I did all of the reps up till the 2nd part of box jumps (40) and had to reduce my pullups to 12 since my hands were getting a little bit torn up. I didn't want ending up with really ugly crossfit hands. Lol. I had 14 burpees and hang squat cleans left to finish it. Of course, I had to scale the weight of hang squat cleans and walking lunges. My legs are out of order right now. You see, that's why I'm thankful to have learned a lot at Hydro - I'm able to do kipping pullups since I've been getting a lot better with those. Yay. That goes for double unders, too. My legs are so sore. Hi, foam roller. ;)

I made paleo brownies today. I tried a different recipe and it tastes a lot better! Yum. Even Dick likes it so that's a huge plus. I will include a pic of it and include a recipe as well. FYI, I didn't add walnuts to it since I only had almonds. Dick wanted nut free brownies. ;)

I also had some "protein" shake which had 10oz of almond milk, half banana, frozen strawberries and a scoop of chocolate protein powder. I got a comment from Melissa and she was wondering why I drink it. It has higher nutritional value. Lower calories. Trying to cut down on dairy. Has more calcium than cow milk.

Some of the quotes I put in our 'Crossfit WODs' journal::

"I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday."
"When life knocks you down ...... DO A BURPEE!!!!!"

Friday, February 1, 2013

Yep. Mount Zits.

Okay, this post is gonna be different, may gross some people out, but I don't care. It's my blog.

For a quite some time, I've been getting adult acne. I think it's gross and icky. I know there are a lot of worse things out there such as cancer, horrible diseases. Acne has definitely made my self esteem go a little bit lower. I stress over having acne which probably makes my face break out even more. I thought teenagers were supposed to get them and grow out of it. Apparently, adult acne is more common than we all think. So finally I called the dermatologist office and booked an appointment on Tuesday. Jamie, will you be interpreting for me!? Ha!

So in the past, I thought going to tanning salons kind of made my acne go away. I think it worked well but skin cancer vs acne. I pick stupid acne. I even tried ProActiv or whatever it's called. It worked at first, then my acne started appearing again. I cut a lot back on dairy. I drink more water than ever. I used gentle cleanser since other stuff were so harsh on my skin and made it super dry. What? Any home remedies!? Ha.

So, I'm kinda hoping the dermatologist will do something for my face. I'm assuming oral prescription medicines. I don't want a damn cream because it WILL NOT work!

Hopefully, 2013 is the year I say good bye to Mt. Zits. I admit, I sometimes name my zits just to be humorous. Laugh and move on but it's getting o.l.d.
