Saturday, November 17, 2012

WOD was tough as fook today.

12 deadlifts
12 hang power cleans
12 push jerks

9 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
9 push jerks

6 deadlifts
6 hang power cleans
6 push jerks

Must finish less than 12 minutes.

65# 85# 95# Scale D. Hey, I'm a beginner. :)

I did 2 rounds and stopped at 4 hang power cleans. So close.

I did not finish my WOD.

I realize that I need to work on my hang power clean. My arms aren't quick enough, I guess. I can't complain since it has just been a month since I've started crossfit. A goal of mine is to be successful in 90% of the crossfit exercises in 3 months.

I look forward to getting out of my comfort zone and do more WODs in the future. Woo. Go Mollie.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Few IG pics.

Bo and I. I miss him so much. :( I heart you no matter what.

Riding a motorcycle from a softball game. Yep I am the driver. ;)

Maya and I at friends' wedding.

My better half and I. <3

Monday, November 12, 2012

Christmas. Wait, Thanksgiving comes first.

I went a little bit of shopping today. Got two Christmas gifts. It's a start. I can't believe Christmas is coming up so soon.  Oops, was I supposed to think of Thanksgiving first? ;) I'm kind of excited for family get together if we plan on it. I'm not looking forward to the food. Just gotta stick with veggies and turkey. No bread. Just ONE dessert, probably apple pie if there is any. Hopefully it's sugar free one. Ha.

So, today I went to crossfit hydro and we did this WOD of 12 rounds doing 15 air squats, 20 sit ups and 25 double unders (or 50 single jumps) with a partner. A nice guy named Jose and I did 6 rounds each. We both got 15:53. Not too shabby.

I better get to sleep. Work at 3:30 tomorrow morning. Not looking forward to the cold. I bought a Burton hat to keep me warm.  Oh yes.

Later boys and girls.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Crossfit and Veteran's Day

So yep, I've decided to join crossfit. At first, I thought the price was ridiculous but wow, the knowledge is pretty awesome. I finished six in ramp classes so I'm able to go to regular classes now. Yesterday, we did the hill runs and 25 kettlebell swings. That was a little bit brutal. The kettlebell was 26 pounds. The running part wasn't really an issue for me, but boy, the swings killed me at the end. I thought to myself, you can do it, you can do it. Do not give up!! I finished 4 rounds in 6:27.  I felt I could have done better but that's okay. Just keep going, going, and going. Today, I might go to a class at 1, but I'm not feeling the best so maybe go to blue moon and do this on my own later this evening.

I would like to thank those current AND former servicemen and servicewomen that serve for our country to keep our freedom which is so precious. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them. Seriously, you rock!! And you totally should get paid more than the president, just saying. Lol. And a special thank you to the hard workers such as police officers, fire fighters, teachers, EMTs, those kind of people make a difference in our lives.

Till then.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Time to put my foot down and grow up. Going to the gym to do cardio and a little bit of weight lifting and TurboFire at home. I'm really sick of my belly. Looking in the mirror thinking I look awful. Stop. It starts NOW not tomorrow not Monday. Eat right, that's all there is to it. I just asked if oatmeal was good? It's not the best. He said eggs and steak!! I could eat that everyday. I don't see why not. Out to eat:: salad. Bad ass salad. B.A.S. for short. Lol. Till then.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

One year later!!

Last post was a year ago. A lot of things has happened in a year. My dog passed away in August. That was one of the hardest things we had to go through. It was a sad day. Some days are just so difficult. I just want to touch and pet my baby Bo. :( We saw him die. I'm glad I did. It was not easy to watch him "collapse" on the vet table after receiving the death shot. He had cancer and he was struggling. I'm crying as I type this. Oh, Bo, I sure hope you remember us and I wish wish wish I could get you back but we have to move on. The memories I have of you will always remain with me. I love you so much, Bo. Love love love. I've been trying to eat clean. Avoid bad carbohydrates. Lately I've been doing well, but sometimes I have a big unnecessary meal once or twice a week. So maybe having this blog will help make me keep on track. Crossfit is something I would definitely sign up. Approximately 120 to 180 A MONTH so I don't think so. Will do it on my own. TurboFire is so much fun. I was doing so well for 3 months. I need to go back on it. I'm very athletic. Just tired of my belly. I want a dang six pack!! I know I can do it. Can can can!!! :)Off to McDonald's. Will have a salad!! 190 calories. No dressings. Molls

PS. We have a new cat. His name is Cali. We now have two cats. Kiwi and Cali.

PSS or is it PPS. We bought a house in September 2011.