Sunday, April 29, 2012

One year later!!

Last post was a year ago. A lot of things has happened in a year. My dog passed away in August. That was one of the hardest things we had to go through. It was a sad day. Some days are just so difficult. I just want to touch and pet my baby Bo. :( We saw him die. I'm glad I did. It was not easy to watch him "collapse" on the vet table after receiving the death shot. He had cancer and he was struggling. I'm crying as I type this. Oh, Bo, I sure hope you remember us and I wish wish wish I could get you back but we have to move on. The memories I have of you will always remain with me. I love you so much, Bo. Love love love. I've been trying to eat clean. Avoid bad carbohydrates. Lately I've been doing well, but sometimes I have a big unnecessary meal once or twice a week. So maybe having this blog will help make me keep on track. Crossfit is something I would definitely sign up. Approximately 120 to 180 A MONTH so I don't think so. Will do it on my own. TurboFire is so much fun. I was doing so well for 3 months. I need to go back on it. I'm very athletic. Just tired of my belly. I want a dang six pack!! I know I can do it. Can can can!!! :)Off to McDonald's. Will have a salad!! 190 calories. No dressings. Molls

PS. We have a new cat. His name is Cali. We now have two cats. Kiwi and Cali.

PSS or is it PPS. We bought a house in September 2011.

1 comment:

  1. We also bought a house last September. 3 bedroom/2 bathroom. It was really nice having 2 bathrooms so we wouldn't have to bang on the door saying it's my turn to poop!! Lol. We are living in a mult level house with attached garage. We love it so much. I think my parents do, too. They have been visiting us pretty often. Aww. I heart my daddy and mommy.

    My fiancé is wanting to get a tattoo soon. He isn't sure id he wants Bo inked on his back .. On his shoulder blade or whatever you call it. Or a skull on his arm. A skull with Harley Davidson motor inside the skull. Wee. How fun for him. His birthday gift? Yea, I don't see why not. For me, I want a white watch!! Fossil to be specific.

    Much love.

