Saturday, February 16, 2013

Ugly signing hands. All about Crossfit. Don't like? Don't read!

Toes to bar. Butterfly pull-ups attempts. Kipping pull-ups. Doing a muscle-up with Ricky's assistance and no, I didn't make it (the dip part), but it was a fun ride. Ha!

Yesterday, we had a WOD of four rounds for time doing this::

21 wall balls (20#/14#)
21 toes to bar

15 minutes cut off.

I a.l.m.o.s.t made it. By almost, I had just ONE freaking toes to bar left to finish it up before time was up. I did two but my toes didn't touch the bar - I was totally out of energy. 167 reps out of 168. Ugh! But I felt so accomplished because I finally understood how to do consecutive toes to bar without stopping. A rhythm, I think, is the word for it. Oh, my hands! Owie!

Today, we went to the group class at 9. Air squat ladder/shuttle run.

One air squat and one shuttle run
Two air squats and one shuttle run
Three air squats and one shuttle run
Continue till you're not able to finish those in a minute

I went up to 28 minutes and 23 squats. If I did the calculations correctly, I did 427 squats less than 30 minutes. I don't think I'll be able to get up tomorrow morning. I have a softball game tonight at 10:20. Uh-oh. Lol. Stretch stretch stretch just like Nancy Moore would! A guy and a lady made it to 35 minutes. Beasts!

After the group class, Dick and I thought we would stay for the open gym to improve our skills. We tried doing the butterfly pull-ups with a couple of other ladies. I don't think I did too bad for the first time. Till the very last one, I felt something sting a little on my hand so I took a look. Yikes. A blister. Ugly, but cool.

I think it's time to wear gloves. I will try my softball batting gloves out. Ha. I don't wanna, but I want my hands to look pretty for signing. :D

I'm still disliking overhead squats. I've learned some of mobility hip stretches or whatever you call it at Crossfit Vise. Boy, have I learned a lot there! Did this some kind of stretch for two minutes on each side and I could feel my hips being more flexible. My hips are so tight .. My knees just need to go way out then I'll be able to go lower. One sucky thing,my right knee doesn't want to cooperate at times. Grr. :P

I don't think I will be registering for the open this year. I still have a long way to go. Some suggest that I do so I'm able to compare my times next year. I am trying to encourage Dick to register. :)

Til then.

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