Monday, February 4, 2013


I don't get why people hate Monday so much. For me, it doesn't bother me. I know it's the first day of the week, but gotta accept it, right? If Monday didn't exist, the other days wouldn't exist either. I love all of the days, but yea, I admit, my favorite is Saturday. Lol.

Yesterday I painted the office walls. It looks much better than what it was before. It looked like a boy's room filled with one red wall and three very light gray walls. I painted it all with this color called pier. It makes me feel like I'm out at the sea during the night. Dick said he would paint the edges or whatever they're called today but he hasn't yet. I bet he will do it next week or two. Lol. Or I'll eventually do it. Men. Ha.

This morning we had our fifth on ramp class, yeah, we had to do those again at Vise even though we went through that at Hydro, but that's ok. After on ramp class was over, we decided to do a WOD.

---- Four rounds, each for max rep burpees ----

Row 300 meters
10 deadlifts 155/105#
Max rep burpees (over bar)

3 minutes per round, 3 minutes rest in between.

Yep, I'm with Dawn. I effing hate burpees. After the WOD was over, my legs were on fire. Owwwwwww! But I felt so amazing!

My results: 13-12-12-11 with a total of 48 burpees. Need to push myself harder. I always tell myself that after almost every WOD. Ha. Be patient and I will succeed.

Hmm. Egg and ham bake or chicken for dinner? I asked Dick and he wants egg bake so we can have some left overs before we go to work tomorrow at 3am.

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